Sentence Writing Practice: Seasonal and Holiday Themed Worksheets
More about this resource
Do any of your students struggle to write a complete sentence? What about being able to identify a fragment or a run-on? Or how about knowing how to combine ideas in two sentences into a single sentence? The reality is that so many of our students in upper elementary struggle to write at the sentence level… which impacts their reading and writing in a big way. This resource gives you a quick and easy sentence writing practice that will help your students learn how to improve their sentence writing ability… and the best part is that this resource includes holiday and seasonal themed worksheets to last you the entire year.
If you’ve loved our original Sentence-Writing Routine, then you’ll love this seasonal/holiday themed variation of that routine.
For each worksheet, your students will get a seasonal or holiday-themed picture that they will use as inspiration to complete the following sentence writing tasks.
- Task 1: Build a Sentence
- Task 2: Write 4 Types of Sentences (Statement, Question, Command, Exclamation)
- Task 3: Find and Fix a Fragment
- Task 4: Combine Sentences
- Task 5: Unscramble the Sentence
There are 70 total student worksheets included. You’ll have just enough to get you through the entire school year!
- August – 5 Back-to-School Themed Worksheets
- September – 10 Fall Themed Worksheets
- October – 5 Halloween Themed Worksheets
- November – 5 Thanksgiving Themed Worksheets
- December – 10 Winter Themed Worksheets
- January – 5 New Year Themed Worksheets
- February – 5 Valentine’s Day Themed Worksheets
- March – 5 St. Patrick’s Day Themed Worksheets
- April – 5 Earth Day Themed Worksheets
- May – 10 Spring Themed Worksheets
- June/July – 5 Summer Themed Worksheets
Check out the preview to learn more about each of the daily sentence writing tasks.
- Student Worksheet: Each worksheet has a seasonal or holiday-themed picture and five sentence writing tasks. Students will have fun celebrating the holidays and working on their sentence writing skills.
- Teacher Answer Key: We have provided a teacher answer key with possible answers. Most of the sentence writing tasks will have a variety of acceptable answers, but we wanted to give you some ideas of the types of responses you might expect from your students.
- Teacher Guide + Differentiation Tips: We know that your students have a range of abilities when it comes to writing sentences. We’ve provided a teacher guide along with quick and easy tips for how you can differentiate each sentence writing task during the week.
- Digital Version: Just in case you are teaching virtually or if you use Google Classroom, we’ve included a digital version of the student worksheet that is created using Google Slides.
Prep is quick and easy… Just print the student worksheet, and your students will have a fun and engaging way to practice sentence writing.
Teachers love to celebrate holidays with their students and incorporate fun seasonal activities. During the week of a special holiday, you can use the sentence writing worksheets in the following ways:
- Use it as part of your morning routine.
- Use it as a warm-up to your literacy block.
- Incorporate into your literacy workstations.
- Use during small groups to support students who need extra help with writing sentences.
- Use as extra grammar practice.
- Use as homework.
- Teachers love how they can easily celebrate the holidays and seasons of the year without having to sacrifice meaningful instructional time.
- Students love how fun and engaging this resource is. It’s an opportunity for creative and imaginative writing and a great opportunity for them to improve their sentence writing abilities.
- Teachers love the variety of sentence writing tasks. This combination of sentence writing tasks will really help your students understand sentence structure on a much deeper level.
Be sure to check out the preview to learn more about this resource!
If you haven’t already grabbed our original Sentence Writing Routine, you might be interested in grabbing that resource as well!
→ Vocabulary Routines
→Parts of Speech Sentence Building Activity
→Poem of the Week for Big Kids
Copyright © The Stellar Teacher Co. LLC
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
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